Journal Articles
Cukier, W., Gagnon, S., Dalziel, M., Grant, K., Laplume, A., Ozkazanc-Pan, B., & Saba, T. (2022). Women entrepreneurship: Towards an inclusive innovation ecosystem. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 34(5), 475–482.
Wall-Andrews, C., Wijesingha, R., Cukier, W., & Lightwala, O. (2021). The state of diversity among leadership roles within Canada’s largest arts and cultural institutions. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 41(9), 30–46.
Wall-Andrews, C., Walker, E., & Cukier, W. (2021). Support mechanisms for Canada’s cultural and creative sectors during COVID-19. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(12), 595.
Itano-Boase, M., Wijesingha, R., Cukier, W., Latif, R., & Hon, H. (2021). Exploring diversity and inclusion in work-integrated learning: An ecological model approach. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 22(3), 253–269.
Cukier, W., Adamu, P., Wall-Andrews, C., & Elmi, M. (2021). Racialized leaders leading Canadian universities. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49(4), 565–583.
Books or Book Chapters
Cukier, W., Saunders, V., Stewart, S., & Wright, E. (2022). Social entrepreneurship and addressing SDGs through women’s empowerment: A case study of She-EO. In P. Gianiodis, M. Espina et al., (Eds.), World scientific encyclopedia of business sustainability, ethics and entrepreneurship, Volume 2, (pp. 83-11). World Scientific.
Cukier, W., Mo, G. Y., & Francis, J. (2022). Women’s entrepreneurship in the inclusive innovation ecosystem in Canada. In B. Owalla, T. Vorley & H. Lawton-Smith (Eds.), Gender, diversity and innovation: Concepts, policies and practice (pp.223-238). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Invited Presentations
Cukier, W. (2022, Apr. 28). Supplier diversity – The experience of change agents. Supply Chain Canada – Leadership Series 3.0, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Apr. 27). A new normal: Systemic racism in the era of COVID-19. Employment Equity Partners’ Roundtable, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Apr. 25). Diversity and inclusion. Veterans Health Administration Board Meeting – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Apr. 12) Women entrepreneurs and exporting. Trade Accelerator Program – Toronto Women-Led Cohort, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Apr. 4). Ontario’s changing labour market: Supporting our students to find work and stay employed in a time of change. CESBA Lunch & Learn – Future of Work Part 1, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Mar. 28). The state of women’s entrepreneurship in Canada 2022. The State of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Canada 2022 Report Launch, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Mar. 23). Diversity leads, 50-30. 50-30 Challenge Ecosystem Partners Presentation, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Mar. 23). Microcredentials in flux. Future Skills Centre Microcredentials Event, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Mar. 23). Supplier diversity. PAC-OR Innovation Forum: Diversify Your Supply Chain, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Mar. 10). The power of difference. Ontario Chamber of Commerce International Women’s Day Event, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Mar. 10). The future is micro: Digital learning and micro-credentials for education, retraining and lifelong learning. eCampus Ontario Microcredential Forum 2022, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Mar. 8). Considering work-related and work-based learning in the TQF – Key considerations. 3rd Meeting Tertiary Quality Framework Expert Advisory Group, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Mar. 8). The state of women’s entrepreneurship in Canada. Family Business Atlantic: State of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Mar. 1). Women business owners and their contributions to sustainability. BMO Women’s Business Owners and Sustainability Event, Virtual.
Cukier, W., & Robson, B. (2022, Feb. 22). Future skills summit. Future Skills Centre, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Feb. 17). Diverse representation in leadership. Chinese Cultural Centre of Canada of Greater Toronto: Diversity in Leadership, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Feb. 10). The 50-30 challenge. Charity Village Webinar, The 50-30 Challenge in the Nonprofit Sector, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Feb. 8). The 50-30 challenge in the small and medium-sized enterprise sector, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Feb. 8). The 50-30 challenge in the municipality, university, school and hospital sectors, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Feb. 2) What’s the plan? The entrepreneur roadmap. Financial literacy for Dr. Roberta Bondar STEM Career Development participants, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Jan. 27). Diversity and inclusion. Toronto Global Diversity & Inclusion Workshop, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Jan. 26). Diversity and inclusion: A talk about biases, microaggressions, and the way we use language. Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Enterprise Service Division Anti-Racism, Inclusion and Accessibility Speaker & Dialogue Series EDI Training, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Jan. 26). Employment support programs for diverse youth. Cannexus22 – Inclusive Innovation in Career Development in Canada Conference, CERIC, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Jan. 21). Is teleworking here to stay? Learning from the COVID-19 experimentation. Presentation at the launch of the book Pandemic societies by Jean-Louis Denis, Catherine Régis and Daniel M. Weinstock, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Jan. 20). Diversity and inclusion: A talk about biases, microaggressions, and the way we use language. Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Enterprise Service Division Anti-Racism, Inclusion and Accessibility Speaker & Dialogue Series EDI Training, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Jan. 20). The generational impact of colonialism: The roots of racism & discrimination. Canadian Congress on Dismantling Colonialism, Building Cohesiveness, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2022, Jan. 18). Evidence-based strategies, programs and policies for diversity and inclusion. Infonex Human Resources – The Big Issues, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Dec. 8). Entrepreneurship for Women in STEM Panel. Dr. Roberta Bondar STEM Career Development Program, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Dec. 7). One step forward, two steps back: Has COVID sent women’s workplace progress back? Green Shield Room for Her: Discussions on Women’s Mental Health, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Cukier, W. (2021, Dec. 1). Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub. The State of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Canada 2021, WEKH Manitoba Hub, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 26). Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub. 18th Government to Business (G2B) Information Fair and Workshops, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 25). Digital skills of the new economy. EDGE UP Tech Talk Session, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 25). Advancing diversity in leadership: Best practices. CPHR Manitoba HR Diversity Forum Session, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 25). Entrepreneur immigration opportunities, challenges, and the path forward. Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 24). What will the transition to digital economy look like? CASCON x EVOKE 2021, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 22). Diversity and inclusion: The business case. The Royal Canadian Mint’s Self-Identification & Pronouns Webinar, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 19). Diversity on boards: The 50-30 challenge. Council of Ontario Universities Conference, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 16). Welcome remarks, International Women’s Forum Finland and Canada Summit: Part One, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 10). Diverse representation on boards. ONPHA Workshop 123 Board Governance: Best Practices and Change Management Strategies, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 4). Building a digital-savvy public service. AWS Amazon – FWD50 Executive Session, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 4). Diversity and inclusion. Leveraging our Strengths – United Way East Ontario, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 3). Best practices for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Tech-Access Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Nov. 1). The state of women in leadership. Public Sector Network’s Women in Leadership Series 2021, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Oct. 27). Exploring equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism in organizations. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Oct. 22). The state of women’s entrepreneurship in Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Oct. 21). Diversity and inclusion. Scarborough Philharmonic, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Oct. 21). WEKH research overview. Innovate Virtual Centre for Women in Business, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Oct. 21). Using inclusive language: How to avoid biases & microaggression in communications. City of Brampton, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Oct. 18). Underrepresentation of Chinese Canadian leadership in the Greater Toronto Area. Underrepresentation of Chinese Canadian Leadership in the CPAC Greater Toronto Area, Report Launch, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Oct. 14). Lifeline Afghanistan. Introductory Presentation for the East York Rotary Club, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Oct. 13). Diverse representation in leadership. Canadian Bar Association – Enhancing the Overall Diversity on Boards: Keeping Pace with Regulations and Expectations, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Oct. 7). Building an inclusive workplace. Presentation for the Oregon Judicial Department Webinar, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Sep. 28). Diverse representation in leadership. Infonex – Best Practices for Driving Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in the Workplace Conference, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Sep. 24). Supports for Black/Newcomer women entrepreneurs in Canada. The de Sedulous Women Leaders Conference, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Sep. 24). What is supplier diversity and the role of supply councils? Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub Procurement Event Series #1, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Sep. 14). The state of women’s entrepreneurship in Canada 2021. Manitoba Provincial Network Meeting: Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub Roundtable, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Sep. 11). Diversity in tech panel. 2021 TechTogether Boston Conference, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Sep. 1). Equity, diversity, and inclusion in real estate. Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) Governance and Bylaws Committee, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Aug. 17). Towards an inclusive and innovative future of work. Governance Professionals of Canada (GPC) Annual Conference, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jul. 30). 50-30 Challenge: Focus on governance professionals of Canada. Standards Council of Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jul. 8). Diversity & inclusion. World Diversity in Leadership Conference, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 23). Diversity & inclusion. Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 16). Are your AI algorithms biased? What you don’t know can hurt you. Ontario Centre for Innovation, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 15). Supports for Black women entrepreneurs in Canada. Black Business and Professional Association, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 15). 50-30 Challenge: Focus on Indigenous persons. Standards Council of Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 14). 50-30 Challenge: Focus on women in business. Standards Council of Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 9). 50-30 Challenge: Genome Canada EDI working group. Genome Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 9). Diversity & inclusion. MacKay CEO Forums, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 8). WEKH overview. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 8). 50-30 Challenge: Focus on voluntary. Charitable and MUSH Sectors, Standards Council of Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 4). 50-30 Challenge: Focus on small and medium-size enterprises. Standards Council of Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 2). 50-30 Challenge: Focus on corporations. Presentation for the Standards Council of Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 1). The impact of social sciences and humanities: Shifting the discourse. Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities: Foundational Skills and What the Humanities and Social Sciences Need to Know, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, Jun. 1). 50-30 Challenge: Focus on “Les grandes et petites entreprises”. Standards Council of Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 28). 50-30 Challenge: Focus on persons living with disabilities. Standards Council of Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 27). 50-30 Challenge: Focus on gender and LGBTQ2. Standards Council of Canada, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 26). Leading change in the face of disruption. Change Leadership Conference 2021: Leading Change in the Face of Disruption, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 25). The struggle for social justice: George Floyd memorial lecture. Executive Masterclass on Social Justice in Canada: Canadian Congress on Inclusive Diversity and Workplace Equity’s National Social Justice Action Day, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 22). Exploring the new world of careers: Your future starts today! Inaugural Virtual Career Fair “Exploring the New World of Careers”, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 19). Data and diversity: Leveraging people analytics to drive an inclusive workplace culture. Public Sector Network’s Diversity and Inclusion in the Public Sector, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 18). Incredible women with courage: Advancing women. Incredible Women with Courage, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 14). Women’s leadership in the economic recovery: Diversity on board during and after the pandemic. Ontario Council AGM of Canadian Federation of University Women.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 12). Advancing workplace equity, diversity, and inclusion: A systems-level approach. York University/Research Impact Canada/ARIS Summit, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (2021, May 6). Diverse entrepreneurship in Canada. University of Guelph Humber International Virtual Conference, Virtual.
Cukier, W. (PI). Public Safety Canada – Research, “Diversity and Inclusion in Public Safety Sector,” $38,000.
Cukier, W. (PI). Employment and Social Development Canada – Research, “Designing and Implementing Wrap-Around Services to Equity-Deserving Groups in Skills Programs,” $40,000.
Cukier, W. (PI). Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada – The 50-30 Challenge Ecosystem Fund, “Diversity Leads 50-30,” $8,052,129.
Cukier, W. (PI). Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada – Women Entrepreneurship Strategy, “Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub,” $4,200,000.
Cukier, W. (PI). ADVANCE – Research, “ADVANCE Diversity Analysis and the Value of Black Music in Canada,” $40,425.
Cukier, W. (PI). Employment and Social Development Canada – Research, “Racialized Canadians/Newcomers and Foundational and Transferable,” $40,000.
Cukier, W. (PI). Black Muslim Initiative – Research, “Socio-Economic Data Study of Black Muslims in Canada,” $40,000.
Cukier, W. (PI). Lifelong Leadership Institute Inc. and Ontario Ministry of Education – Research and Innovation, “Summer-Up: Study Buddy,” $100,000.
Cukier, W. (PI). Simon Fraser University and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada – Research Subgrant, “Diversity Assessment Tool (DAT) App and Toolkit for Inclusive Innovation,” $309,000.
Cukier, W. (PI). Employment and Social Development Canada – Research, “Barriers to Employment Insurance Usage,” $39,600.
Cukier, W. (PI). Mitacs Inc. – Accelerate Graduate Research Internship Program, “Access and Equity for LGBTQ2S+ Businesses in Canada,” $15,000.
Cukier, W. (PI). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council – Connection Program, “Online Hate, Media (Mis)Representation and Systemic Racism Conference,” $15,193.
Cukier, W. (PI). Mitacs Inc. – Accelerate Graduate Research Internship Program, “Toronto Arts Foundation Partnership for Research on Funding of Equity Seeking Artists in Toronto,” $15,000.
Cukier, W. (PI). Women in Music Canada – Research, “Women in Music Canada Accelerator,” $19,249.
Cukier, W. (PI). Carizon Family and Community Services – Research, “Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Consultant at Carizon,” $149,474.
Peesker, K. (PI)., Cukier, W. (Co-PI)., Janssen, E. (Co-PI)., & Rouziou, M. (Co-PI). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council – Connection Program, “Advancing Sales Education and Research in Canadian Universities,” $24,900.
Awards / Honours
Cukier, W. Best Paper Award, Gender Division, May 2021, Academy of Management.
Gagnon, S., Cukier, W., Amy, O., & Blanchette, S. 2021 Best Paper, Sexism, Gendered Deficit, and the Gendered Representation of Entrepreneurship in Canadian Print Media, Academy of Management.